The basic unit in the society is the family. It brings life to the society, without them, things and the arrangements would be imbalance. Everyone wants to have a complete and happy family. When couples decide to settle down and got their marriage certificate's licensed, they start to plan their lives for their lives. They want to have children, a cozy yet warm environment. They want it to be perfect.
But sad to say perfection doesn't exist in real life. Problems will really occur especially in the family. When the love is gone and misunderstanding sprouts in, parents start to argue and end up separating. There are disputes in the relationship that will give their offspring more troubles and dilemmas. Divorce is considered as one of the worst family crises; since it doesn't just affect the parents but the children as well. Another family problem that might occur is when either of the couple has inability to produce their own child. Adopting is their best option.
Legal separation, adoption and other family affairs that require legal advice must be relied to the family solicitors. They are people who practiced law and specialize in problems that deal with family legal concerns. Making decisions about this need legal advice since it is really difficult. What are the other duties of family solicitors aside from divorce processes and children adoptions?
As part of their responsibilities they have the capacities to work with your family's financial settlements. If it happens that you obtain some family financial problem or transfer of will and other related situations. They are there to guide you and your family. And today where couples are more favorable of staying in one house unmarried, it is also their responsibility to deal with the rights of each involved party. Arranging a pre-nuptial agreement or other form of living treaty between two individuals who decided to be bound with marriage is their job too.
Living in fear when your partner began to show domestic violence and want to feel safety once again? Don't worry; family solicitors will do their best in assisting you regarding this matter. You can confide with them, and they will help you in the legal way; such as complaining to the higher authority and in making charges against your partner. Adultery and bigamy are serious offense too.
As part of the family law, the proper way of adoption requires you to know the proper method in adopting a child. Their age and dealing with the conditions associated with it. It is important to have a solicitor in doing such process. As for the divorce, it the process runs longer since both sides must present evidence and reasons why they need to separate.
It is really important to look for the best or experience family solicitors to do the job for you and accompany as. The cost and the price of setting something like this such as divorce are not too pocket-friendly. You have to deal with a lot of payments in doing the process such as the solicitor's payment, the court fees and many more. You can ask your lawyer about the financial issues too.
A family solicitor may act as a mediator between two parties. While doing so he has to maintain strict neutrality in resolving the disputes through a mutually agreed settlement. He may also act on behalf of both the parties at the court. In that case he does not advise any party except to ensure that an amicable settlement is reached.
If the mediation efforts fail, he may be hired by either party to represent it in the court. If a spouse files a divorce petition in the court, the family solicitor represents him/her in matters of division of family assets, home, pension, savings, business and maintenance.
Child custody, maintenance and support
Family solicitor also works on issues such as getting sole or joint custody of the child. Sometimes, a dispute arises when a biological father, who is actually not married to the child’s mother and whose name does not exist on the birth certificate of the child, tries to claim custody of the child. Similarly, there may be several other disputes regarding the child’s custody.
Family solicitor also fights on behalf of his client for child’s maintenance assessment and support agreements. He drafts agreements for financial support during and after the divorce proceedings, the amount of maintenance, frequency of payments and agreement for periodic review of the maintenance amount for child’s support.
Domestic abuse and violence
The family solicitor also works for legal aid in emergency cases and also for the protection of the family members from domestic violence. He also advises his clients in matters of seeking compensation for domestic violence.
Pre-nuptial registration agreements
He drafts pre-registration or pre-nuptial agreements so as to eliminate disputes that may arise at the later stage when the spouses seek divorce or separation from each other.
For all the above-mentioned and many other related matters, the family solicitor takes
- The instructions from the client
- Advises them on critical issues
- Corresponds on his client’s behalf with the other party or their solicitor
- Gathers evidence
- Prepares documents for filing the suit in the court
- Represents the client at the court
- Interprets the court’s orders
- Ensures the implementation of the orders